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Saturday, 19 April 2014

How to root the Galaxy S5 – updated CF-Root method

Kris Carlon Putting down roots in Berlin after six years of traveling is a major step for Kris Carlon, who has spent more time living out of a tent lately than sitting at a desk. Kris comes to the AndroidPIT Editorial Team via a lengthy period spent writing on art and culture in Australia and other places he has lived. He joined the Android...

More details on the Samsung v. Apple lawsuit

Anthony Muzonzini Currently living out in the East Coast. When not on the AndroidPIT grind you can usually find me turning up or play footie. 6 ...

Friday, 18 April 2014

How to root the Galaxy S5 – updated CF-Root method

Kris Carlon Putting down roots in Berlin after six years of traveling is a major step for Kris Carlon, who has spent more time living out of a tent lately than sitting at a desk. Kris comes to the AndroidPIT Editorial Team via a lengthy period spent writing on art and culture in Australia and other places he has lived. He joined the Android...

LG device leak looks like a precursor to the G3

Kris Carlon Putting down roots in Berlin after six years of traveling is a major step for Kris Carlon, who has spent more time living out of a tent lately than sitting at a desk. Kris comes to the AndroidPIT Editorial Team via a lengthy period spent writing on art and culture in Australia and other places he has lived. He joined the Android...

New Google Nexus 7 HTC One Mini Stay Connected
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